

Depression is a major mood disorder. Living with depression is hard but it can be treated. Let us help you on your journey to recovery.

Most people encounter depressive episodes in their life. But if the feeling persists, then one needs to act. Depression affects your mood. It makes you feel worthless, foments doubts on life being worthy of living. It will impact the way you feel, think and act, and can cause emotional and physical problems. When you are unable to cope, we are here to listen to you and develop strategies to alleviate your issues. We, at Eva and Iris, are taking revolutionary steps in our approach to counselling by conducting in-home sessions. We use various evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) in helping our patients recover completely.

Know when to seek counselling

Lack of self-esteem: One of the symptoms of depressive stage, lack of self-esteem manifests in many ways, including lack of self-confidence, feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. It can impact one’s personal and professional life.

Feeling of helplessness: A sense of powerlessness often resulting in feeling hopeless. People with a feeling of helplessness struggle to take decisions.

Loss of appetite: Another sign of the disorder, loss of appetite impacts the energy levels of a person and leads to weight loss. This can further complicate things.

Lack of motivation: Things won’t get done in life, if you lack motivation. This maybe a common feeling anyone encounters in life, this is one of the indications of a major depressive disorder.

The Outcomes

  • High Self-Esteem
  • Personal Growth
  • Improved Confidence
  • Better Health

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